An honest overview of fundraising health, from proposition to
life long supporters insights - conducted privately with emotive care and support at the heart
Are you seeking a clarity of focus for your charity today and your future fundraising approach?
Is there a need to examine current techniques, opportunities and performance to re-commit energies?
'Health Check' provides a confidential review of your case for support, marketing approaches and
fundraising operation to provide fresh perspective and make recommendations of how to increase your ability to inform and inspire others.
Conducted via focused research, discreet interviews and sector insights, the 'Health Check' provides a logical and positive experience to help bring about transformational change.
If you're looking to re-inspire your charity fundraising approach or would like a private examination to help reinforce good practice, review behaviours or explore fresh channels, then a bespoke 'Health Check' can help you look forward with greater optimism and inspiration.